6 Thinking Hats De Bono Pdf Software

  1. De Bono's Six Thinking Hats
  2. 6 Thinking Hats De Bono Pdf Software Pdf
  3. 6 Hat Thinking Pdf
  4. 6 Thinking Hats De Bono
  5. 6 Thinking Hats De Bono Pdf Softwares

Six Thinking Hats® is a powerful technique that helps us to explore different perspectives towards a complex situation or challenge. It simplifies thinking by creating focus on one thing at a time, and allows us to engineer switch in thinking without offending others. It has been proven to significantly reduce meeting times, improve the quality and speed of brain-storming and decision-making, and improve thinking productivity. In this summary, we’ll give a brief overview of the 6 Hats methodology, and each of the 6 hats.

An explanation, with examples, of each of the Six Thinking Hats based on the book by Edward de Bono. Storyboard Text The White Hat statement represents facts without interpretation. Six Thinking Hats or Edward de Bono’s Six Hats is a good decision making technique and method for group discussions and individual thinking. Combined with the parallel thinking process, this technique helps groups think more effectively. It is a means to organize thinking processes in a detailed and cohesive manner. Six Thinking Hats was created by Edward de Bono, and published in his 1985 book of the same name. You can now find it in a new edition. It forces you to move outside your habitual thinking style, and to look at things from a number of different perspectives.

  1. “Six Thinking Hats®” is a powerful technique that helps us to explore different perspectives towards a complex situation or challenge. Or graphic summary in pdf; and • A 9-page text. Learning and Development, Personal Development, Decision-Making, Teamwork, Six Thinking Hats, Edward de Bono. Additional information. Book Summary.
  2. Edward de Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats ® The notion of six thinking hats comes from Edward De Bono (Read Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono, 1985) It is a simple and effective system that increases productivity.
  3. Edward De Bono described that when people approach problem solving they do so from quite different perspectives. He associated this with people wearing different hats and identified the different approaches by using hats of different colours. This led to the development of his, now famous, six thinking hats theory.

For more details and examples, please get a copy of the book, or get a more comprehensive overview with our complete book summary bundle.

The main challenge of thinking is trying to juggle too many things all at once. The Six Hats allow us to systematically focus on different aspects of a situation or decision, so we become more focused yet see a more complete picture. Each of the Six Thinking Hats represents a different style of thinking. The participants can explore all perspectives by using the 6 hats, one at a time.

Parallel Thinking

Six Hats is a parallel thinking technique.

There are many benefits to using this method, including
• More power: We are now fully utilizing the thinking capacity, experience and knowledge of all the group members.
• Save time: There is no longer a need to respond out of politeness, or to argue every point of view. Meetings can take half to one-fifteenth of the time.
• Remove ego: There is no ego to be exerted from attacking and putting down others, to get your way or show off how clever you are. The only way to exert your ego with Six Hats is to be a good thinker.
• Simple: By focusing on one thing at a time, it is easier to manoeuvre complex tasks/ challenges and get a full picture at the end.

How to Use The Six Hats

Here’s an overview of how to use the 6 Hats:

Here are some important points to note:

Hats are about direction (“what can happen”), not descriptions (“what is” or “what has happened”)

• Hats are not meant to label or categorize people; The main idea is that all of us can and should think in every direction.

Use it like a game, to set the rules of behaviour and have everyone follow those rules. Because it targets behaviours, not personalities, it is a great tool to effect change. The book (and our summary) includes several guidelines to help you to implement this with your team.

6 Hats, 6 Thinking Styles

Each of the Six Thinking Hats represents a different style of thinking. Here’s a quick outline – do refer to the book or our full 9-page summaryfor more details on each of the hats, with guidelines and tips on how to use them:


This is for putting up facts and figures in a neutral and objective way. Look at available information and also identify information gaps, so we can choose to fill them or just take account of them. This is where you provide background information, analyse and extrapolate historical trends.


The red hat represents the emotional view. It recognizes and gives visibility to feelings, intuition and gut reaction as an important part of thinking. The red hat allows a thinker to switch in and out of his feeling mode, and also to invite others to share their feelings, in a non-judgemental way. By making emotions visible, we can observe their influence in the thinking process.


The black hat represents caution and what could go wrong. It points out what doesn’t fit, what may not work, what is wrong, and hence protects us from fatal flaws and wasted resources. The black hat recognizes the value of caution and risk assessment; it makes our plans more robust.


The yellow hat focuses on value, benefits and optimism. It is positive and constructive. It helps us to develop “value sensitivity” and invest time to seek out value.


The green hat is about creativity, new ideas and change. This is when we present alternative and new ideas, possibilities, and modify or improve suggested ideas. It is about recognizing the value of creative effort and allocating time for it.


The blue hat is for process control, and for managing and organizing thinking. It has a strategic role for laying out the overall plan, and also for moment-to-moment instructions. It helps to organize the other hats, assess priorities, list constraints etc. Unlike the other hats, the blue hat is a permanent role. It is worn by the facilitator or chairperson of the meeting, though the leader may also assign the blue-hat role to others, or invite participants to wear the blue hat.

Here’s a simple recap of the 6 hats mentioned above. Do get more details from the book or our complete summary!

Points to Note

This revised edition of the book came with Dr. de Bono’s insights, updates and expansions after 14 years of experience applying the Six Thinking Hats method. He acknowledges that the technique works best when there is adequate practice for it to become a common language in an organization. In his book, he provides many practical examples and simulations to help us imagine how the hats can and should be used, as well as how to differentiate between the different hats.

Conduct your thoughts like an orchestra – check out these useful links!

This article explains the Six Thinking Hats, developed by Edward de Bono in a practical way. After reading you will understand the basics of this powerful decision making method.

What are the Six Thinking Hats?

Six Thinking Hats or Edward de Bono’s Six Hats is a good decision making technique and method for group discussions and individual thinking. Combined with the parallel thinking process, this technique helps groups think more effectively. It is a means to organize thinking processes in a detailed and cohesive manner.

Edward de Bono is the founding father of this six thinking hats technique and wrote a book about this called the Six Thinking Hats in 1985. A thinking hat is a metaphor for a certain way of thinking. By mentally wearing different thinking hats people are forced to look at a problem from different perspectives. Thus a one-sided way of thinking is excluded and new insights are created.

He distinguishes six different frames of mind in which the brain can become sensitive. Each of these frames of mind can be found in the brain and create conscious thoughts for certain aspects of the issues that are being discussed, (e.g. gut feeling, pessimistic views, neutral facts).

Six thinking hats frame

The six different frames of mind (six thinking hats) are identified in the shape of a hat and each of the hats is a different colour:


Information: consider only information that is available, what are the facts?


Emotions: intuitive reactions or expressions of feelings (but no justification required).


Judgement: logic applied to identification of mistakes or barriers, looking for a mismatch.


Positive view: logic applied to the identification of opportunities, looking for harmony.


Creativity: statements of provocation and investigation, hearing what an idea is about.


De Bono's Six Thinking Hats

Thinking: thinking about thinking.

Extra information

The coloured hats are used as metaphors for the various states of mind. Switching to a certain type of thinking is symbolized by wearing a coloured hat, literally or metaphorically. These six thinking hats metaphors provide a more complete and comprehensive segregation of the types of thinking than the prejudices that are inherent to the immediate thoughts of people. All these thinking hats help people to think more deeply about a certain topic.

Parallel thinking

In ordinary and unstructured thinking, this method seems unfocused. The thinker moves from critical thinking to neutrality, to optimism, etcetera, without structure or strategy. The process of the six thinking hats introduces the process of parallel thinking. Many people are used to ordinary thinking and they unconsciously navigate on their own habits. Sometimes these are effective and sometimes they are not. What is certain is that when people think in a group using their individual thoughts, they often fail to come to an agreement. As a consequence, there are no discussions.

The power of the ego and the identified preference for black hat thinking can lead to disastrous meetings. Even with courtesy and good manners and clear common objectives in cooperative thinking activities, people have a natural tendency for the so-called “spaghetti-thinking” in which one person is thinking about the advantages whereas another is considering the facts and so on. Edward de Bono’s six thinking hats prevent this, so that everybody shares each other’s opinions about the problems, advantages, facts, reducing distraction and supporting thought cross pollination. This will be accomplished because everyone will put on a hat together, for instance the white hat. After the attendants have expressed their thoughts in a round of discussion, they will put on the next hat. In this way all the attendants will think in the same way at the same time. The only exception is the facilitator, who will tend to keep the blue hat to ensure that the discussion will progress effectively.

Strategies and programmes

After the six types of thinking have been identified, different programmes can be created. These are sequences of hats that structure the thinking process towards a clear goal. A number of these goals have been included in the materials that support the franchise training of the six thinking hats method, however, it is often necessary to adapt these for individual purposes. Sequences always begin and end with a blue hat, the group agrees on how they will think together, then they do the thinking and finally they evaluate the outcomes of the thinking process and what to do next. Sequences (and indeed hats) may also be used by individuals who work alone or in groups.

The following division can be made:

  • Initial Ideas – Blue, White, Green
  • Choosing between alternatives – Blue, White, Green, Yellow, Black, Red
  • Identification of solutions – Blue, White, Black, Green
  • Fast Feedback – Blue, Black, Green, White
  • Strategic planning – Blue, Yellow, Black, White
  • Process improvement – Blue, White, Yellow, Black, Green, Red
  • Problem-solving – Blue, White, Green, Red, Yellow, Black
  • Performance assessment – Blue, Red, White, Yellow, Black, Green

Develop your skills

I want to come up with creative solutions for everyday problems. Coming up with original solutions for everyday problems. Creativity is a skill you can learn. Streamline your brain for a new era where conceptual thinkers have the advantage.

It’s Your Turn

What do you think? What is your experience with the Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono? Do you recognize the practical explanation or do you have more suggestions? What are your success factors for good decision making?

Share your experience and knowledge in the comments box below.

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More information

  1. Silverstein, D., Samuel, P., & Decarlo, N. (2009). The Innovator’s ToolKit: 50 Techniques for Predictable and Sustainable Organic Growth. Wiley.
  2. De Bono, E. (1985). Six Thinking Hats: An Essential Approach to Business Management. Little, Brown, and Company.

How to cite this article:
Mulder, P. (2011). Six Thinking Hats. Retrieved [insert date] from ToolsHero: https://www.toolshero.com/decision-making/six-thinking-hats-de-bono/

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