Apprendre Django Python Pdf

Active1 year, 5 months ago
  • What is Django? Django [jāngō]-noun 1. A shiny web framework that allows one to build dynamic, professional-looking websites in python: Need to make a slick website? Masculine form of popular Hasbro game Jenga® (will not be discussed tonight) 3.
  • Creating PDF Reports with Plotly Graphs and Python¶ Since Plotly graphs can be embedded in HTML or exported as a static image, you can embed Plotly graphs in reports suited for print and for the web.
  • Introduction to web development with Python and Django Documentation, Release 0.1 Every time you click on a link, or type a url and enter into a browser, you are making what is called an http GET request. Here is an example that uses curl from the command line as a client: $ curl -sv -o /dev/null.

Web developers who want to use modern Python-based web frameworks like Django to build powerful web applications. The course is mostly self-contained and introduces web development with Python to a reader who is familiar with web development concepts and can help him become an expert in this trade. Django is one of the most popular Web frameworks written in Python. It’s definitely the most complete, offering a wide range of features out-of-the-box, such as a standalone Web server for development and testing, caching, middleware system, ORM, template engine, form processing, interface with Python’s unit testing tools. 1 Chapter 1 The Context of Software Development A computer program, from one perspective, is a sequence of instructions that dictate the flow of electrical.

Is it possible to show a PDF file in the Django view, rather than making the user have to download it to see it?

And if it is possible, how would it be done?

This is what I have so far - Crestron software download.

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10 Answers

Simplistically, if you have a PDF file and you want to output it through a Django view, all you need to do is dump the file contents into the response and send it with the appropriate mimetype.

You can probably just return the response directly without specifying Content-Disposition, but that better indicates your intention and also allows you specify the filename just in case the user decides to save it.

Also, note that the view above doesn't handle the scenario where the file cannot be opened or read for whatever reason. Since it's done with with, it won't raise any exceptions, but you still must return some sort of response. You could simply raise an Http404 or something, though.

Marco Bonelli
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Chris PrattChris Pratt
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Django has a class specifically for returning files, FileResponse. It streams files, so that you don't have to read the entire file into memory before returning it. Here you go:

If you have really large files or if you're doing this a lot, a better option would probably be to serve these files outside of Django using normal server configuration.

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If you are working on a Windows machine pdf must be opened as rb not r.

7222 gold badges10 silver badges33 bronze badges

Take out inline; if you want your file to be read from server. And also, the HttpResponse kwarg mimetype has been replaced by content_type:

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gajanan hegdegajanan hegde

Following @radtek's answer above I decided to investigate a class-based view display. I tried to use View but it didn't have get_context_data() method.

I looked here for some guidance. I settled for BaseDetailView since I wanted to display just one object.


1 This line accesses a named argument pk passed by the url calling the view.

2 This line gets the actual pdf model object.

3 I defined a method filename(self): return os.path.basename( in my model to help me get just the filename plus extension.

4 This line gets the complete filepath.

Then use file response as explained in the answers above. Also remember to use rb to read the pdf file


Here is a typical use-case for displaying a PDF using class-based views:

For generating your own pdf with reportlab see the Django project Docs on PDF Generation.

Chris Pratt's response shows a good example of opening existing PDFs.

18.2k6 gold badges95 silver badges82 bronze badges

Browsers aren't PDF readers (unless they have the proper plugin/addon).

You may want to render the PDF as HTML instead, which can be done from the backend or the frontend.

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German LopezGerman Lopez

I am just throwing this out there.

You can simply add your PDF resume to your static files.

If you are using White Noise to serve your static files, then you don't even need to make the view. Download free evanescence special 2004 rar software mac. Just then access your resume at the static location.

I added mine, here it is:

Warning: This doesn't solve the login_required requirement in the question

6,36619 gold badges76 silver badges132 bronze badges

The easiest way to do this is probably with an anchor in a template. For example, if you are using Django's templating engine (as most people who search for this probably are), simply serve it as a static file through an anchor.

In your template that will contain a link to the file, add at the very top

Then, wherever you want to link to your pdf, put

The first line tells Django to look in the directories configured for static files in The path that you use in the anchor tag is relative to any of the directories that you configured as static directories in When you click the rendered link, it should display the PDF in your browser, provided you have your static files pathed correctly.


Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged pythondjangomodel-view-controllerpdf or ask your own question.

Active1 month ago

For my django powered site, I am looking for an easy solution to convert dynamic html pages to pdf.

Pages include HTML and charts from Google visualization API (which is javascript based, yet including those graphs is a must).


8 Answers

Try the solution from Reportlab.

Download it and install it as usual with python install

You will also need to install the following modules: xhtml2pdf, html5lib, pypdf with easy_install.

Here is an usage example:

First define this function:

Then you can use it like this:

The template:

Hope it helps.

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Guillem GelabertGuillem Gelabert
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Apprendre Django Python Pdf



If you want to use django-easy-pdf on Python 3 check the solution suggested here.

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I just whipped this up for CBV. Not used in production but generates a PDF for me. Probably needs work for the error reporting side of things but does the trick so far.

Used like:

Christian JensenChristian Jensen

Try wkhtmltopdf with either one of the following wrappers

django-wkhtmltopdf or python-pdfkit

Apprendre Django Python Pdf

This worked great for me,supports javascript and css or anything for that matter which a webkit browser supports.

For more detailed tutorial please see this blog post

9141 gold badge13 silver badges23 bronze badges

After trying to get this to work for too many hours, I finally found this:

It's a fork of that provides a mixin for a generic class-based view. I used it like this:

Use the model name you defined in your view in all lowercase when populating the template fields. Because its a GCBV, you can just call it as '.as_view' in your

Django Python Tutorial


You can use iReport editor to define the layout, and publish the report in jasper reports server. After publish you can invoke the rest api to get the results.

Here is the test of the functionality:

And here is an example of the invocation implementation:


I get the code to generate the PDF from html template :

Python Django Tutorial


Apprendre La Programmation Web Avec Python Et Django Pdf

If you have context data along with css and js in your html template.Than you have good option to use pdfjs.

In your code you can use like this.

Apprendre Django Python Pdf Download

In your HTML you can link extranal or internal css and js, it will generate best quality of pdf.

Python Django Download

Manoj RorAndrManoj RorAndr