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Circuiti Per La Microelettronica Pdf Writer

IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 1 Studying Abroad Listening 1 p6 Why study IELTS? 1 18 2 2b 3 29th October 4 0825 701 6924 (note, the other number is in Hong Kong) 5 (about) 3 (years)
Language focus 1 p6 Forming Questions 1 How old is he? 2 What are your hobbies? 3 Why are you taking IELTS? 4 What are you going to study? 5 What would you like to do in the future? 2 1 Can you speak Chinese? 2 How often do you speak English? 3 How old are you? 4 Why did you go there? 5 Who is teaching you / Who teaches you? 6 What are you doing? 7 How do I / you complete this form, please? 8 Where does he live now? 9 When will you go home? / When are you going home? 10 What time does it start?
Speaking skills p7 Expanding answers 1 b 2 a 3 e 4 g 5 f or d
Speaking 1 p7 Possible questions 1 Where do you live? 2 Have you got any brothers and sisters? 3 Do you have any hobbies? 4 What would you like to study? 5 What would you like to do in the future?
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Listening 2 p8 1 2 3 4 5
looking different / being tall (the) (extreme) heat Finland read (anything / Japanese) eat with / use chopsticks
Vocabulary p8 Dependent prepositions Sentence a: good at, interested in Sentence c: nervous about Sentence d: frightened of Sentence f: fascinated by 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
by from on at about about
1 2 3 4 5 6
in by from on about about
Reading 1 p9 2

• •
shock of a new environment, meeting lots of new people and learning the ways of a different country being separated from the important people in you life: people you would normally talk to at times of uncertainty… missing familiar sights, sounds and tastes being tired and jet-lagged
4 1 5 2 3

Multiple choice 1 B (paragraph B: … you are still protected by the close memory of your home culture.) 2 A (paragraph E: Next you may reject the differences you encounter.) 3 D (encourage students to look at key words: returning home, promote, warn)
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Listening 3 p11 Note completion 1 in touch with / in contact with 2 photo(graph)s 3 your country 4 (other) international students 5 (some) support
Writing 1 p12 Understanding key features of data a key b vertical axis c bar chart d horizontal axis e axes f line graph 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
Years from 96/97 to 00/01 Thousands of students Subjects studied b) Changes over time Engineering and Technology, and Computer Sciences Probably b) subjects, as students will probably pick out the fact that some subjects increased in popularity, while others declined.
Writing an introductory statement 1 A: what the graph or chart shows but it is not written using exactly the same wording as the question. 2 C: namely subjects which became more popular and those which became less popular – this also summarizes how the writer has chosen to group the information 3 F: (see above) 4 T: after the main ideas have been introduced, more specific details can be added. Describing data which shows changes over time 1 Biological Sciences 2 Computer Sciences 3 Engineering and Technology, Computer Sciences 4 Physical Sciences 5 Engineering and Technology 6 Medicine and Dentistry
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Language focus 2 p14 Understanding how sentences work 1.1 1 an adjective: sharp, popular 2 a linking word: although, and 3 a noun: Engineering, Technology, drop, popularity, subjects 4 an article: a, the 5 a preposition: to, of, in, with, from, over 6 an adverb: nearly, still, just 1.2 Engineering and Technology 2 Subject
1 2
Others This
dropped remained
Biological Sciences There There
Object/Complement/ Adverbial in popularity the least popular subject of the five a steady increase…
was was
a sharp increase in… a slight fall…
4 5
3 (1) More and more college students from the United States are going abroad to study. (2) In 1997 to 1998, 100,000 American students earned college credits abroad. (3) However, recent figures show that while American students are leaving the country to study abroad, thousands of foreign students are coming to study in the US. (4) In 1987 to 1998, there were 500,000 foreign students studying at American colleges and universities, over 10% more than in the previous year.
Writing 2 p15 1 See model answer on page 160 of the Student’s Book.
Language focus 3 p16 Quantifiers 1 1 The students spend a lot of time watching football. (we prefer not to use much / many in positive statements) 2 The majority of the students prefer watching football to playing it. (majority usually takes the definite article) 3 Some / Some of the students like playing basketball. 4 The students don’t spend much / a lot of time playing basketball. (time is uncountable) 5 The number of students who play hockey is larger then the number who play football. 6 A large number of students enjoy watching football. 7 Several of the students don’t play any sport. (a plural group) 8 The students spend a large amount of time watching sport.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
plural questions / negative sentences, uncountable countable countable uncountable second
Study skills p17 Ways of recording vocabulary 2 1 3 2
3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a e d f g c b
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 2 Earth today Reading 1 p18 Prediction 2 1 cars 2 noise, smell, dirt, expense 3 Student’s own answers. 3
Possible answer Problems caused by cars. Guessing meaning from context 1 EU 2 decade 3 congestion 4 asphyxiated 5 subsidized 6 (on) the Continent Matching paragraphs to headings 1 Paragraph C (…congestion costs Europe up to £85 billion a year.) 2 Paragraph D (…is forecast to increase by 50 per cent …) 3 Paragraph F (Bad policies have increased car and truck use…) 4 Paragraph B (Britons love their cars…a major new EU study shows.) 5 Paragraph E (In Britain that means trying to cut the need to travel.) 6 Paragraph G (Brussels want to cut traffic and pollution with extra taxes…) Short answer questions 6 1 three times (Paragraph B: ..has tripled…) 2 £85 billion (Paragraph C: exact words) 3 50 per cent (Paragraph D: exact words) 4 65 per cent (Paragraph I: exact words) 5 10 per cent (Paragraph I: …our fares…ie Britain’s) 6 40 per cent (Paragraph I: …on the Continent…ie Europe) 7 1 2 3
cycling and walking lack of interest congestion charging
Choosing the best title 4 The solution to road traffic.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Language focus 1 p21 Subject-verb agreement 1 1 2 3 4
singular / plural
Bad policies The cost of alternative forms Public transport fares 10 per cent of our fares
have increased is rising have risen are subsidized
plural Singular Plural plural
2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Nobody seems … (nobody is a singular subject) Correct None of the cars … were (plural form as cars) Correct Most people own a car (people takes a verb in the plural) Correct Neither of us travel (Neither takes a plural verb form) Correct Car users pay … (Car users takes a verb in the plural)
Pronunciation Numbers and figures 1 A decimal: 3.75 (NB: three point seven five, NOT seventy five) 2 A date: 13/11/86 (here written with BritEng convention of dd/mm/yy 3 The size of an area: 600km2 (NB square kilometers OR kilometers squared) 4 A height: 6,900m 5 A weight: 30kg 6 A distance: 4,016km (NB thousand, NOT thousands) 7 A price: $450 8 A fraction: ¾ (clarify other decimals eg 1/3, and ordinal patterns such as 3/5) 9 A speed: 80km/h 10 A percentage: 59% 11 A temperature: 54°C 12 A ratio: 4:1
Listening p22 Short answers 1 half a tonne 2 two-thirds 3 10 per cent 4 25 million tonnes 5 to produce electricity 6 2020
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Sentence completion 7 reduce 8 reuse 9 collection dustbins (or waste) / take away rubbish 10 bottles 11 newspapers 12 magazines 13 recycling bins 14 (black) rubbish bags
Language focus 2 p23 Present simple vs. present continuous 1 J: There are quite a few things that are being done, mostly by local councils. They are responsible for household ‘dustbin’ collections, or taking away all the rubbish you produce in the home. In recent years many more sites have been set up to collect waste separately for recycling. There are often containers in car parks or outside supermarkets for people to put bottles: clear, green and brown bottles are separated. Also, newspapers and magazines can be recycled as well as tins made of aluminium. One of the problems of this, though, is that most people are not bothering to take their rubbish there. To overcome this, some local councils also provide special containers, often called ‘recycling bins’ for residents to collect glass and paper in. They put these outside their houses at the same time as their rubbish, and they are collected and recycled. L: I see. So are you saying that recycling is more important than actually reducing waste? J:
No. Nowadays, many products are increasing being designed with reuse or recycling in mind and I think, in general, people are far more aware about these issues.
Sample Answers Present simple 1 clear, green and brown bottles are separated / They put these outside their houses … / they are collected and recycled. 2 newspapers and magazines can be recycled / They are responsible / There are often containers in car parks / some local councils also provide / people are far more aware Present continuous 1 So are you saying …? 2 There are quite a few things that are being done, / many products are increasingly being designed / most people are not bothering to takes their rubbish there.
Pronunciation 2 p24 Sentence stress 2 1 keeping animals in zoos is really cruel. 2 They cause so much noise and pollution. 3 I’m convinced that more people would recycle if… 4 1 2 3
If you ask me… I much prefer… I honestly think that…
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Speaking skills p24 Giving and justifying opinions Topic Zoos Cars banned in city centres? Why recycle?
Opinion Cruel – Animals should remain in wild Yes – prefers pedestrianized centres Good – to re-use resources More people would do it if easier / more convenient
Main reasons Taken away from natural habitats Lack of space Noise pollution Speaker doesn’t recycle much as lazy and finds it inconvenient
Writing p25 Organizing your writing 1
Suggested answers 1 2 3 4 5 6
Read the instructions and question carefully. Analyse the question. Brainstorm ideas. Note down a rough essay plan organized by paragraph headings. Write the essay. Check for errors.
1 2 3 4
Non-specialist audience Problems caused by cars 40 minutes 250 words
Example answers ‘…excessive number of cars…leads to many problems.’ ‘Individual and governments…public transport’ ‘…tackle…problems.’ 5 1 2 3 4
Writing for a non-specialist audience requires students to write in a semi-formal style but not quite as formal as writing for a university lecturer, for example. Yes, eg There are too many cars on the road and this causes many problems. More public transport would be a solution to these problems and the government and individuals have a duty to be involved in this. Write an essay agreeing or disagreeing with the statement, ie whether governments and individuals should consider public transport more. The argument needs to be backed up by relevant ideas and evidence.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 6
Example answers 1 Pollution Traffic Congestion Road safety
Problems: exhaust fumes, gases, harmful Vocabulary: carbon monoxide, destroy, leaded / unleaded petrol, etc. Problems: traffic jams, delays, heavy traffic Vocabulary: lateness, gridlock, etc. Problems: accidents, speeding, drink-driving Vocabulary: dangerous, injuries, deaths, etc.
Over-reliance on the car (for unnecessary journeys) Poor and limited public transport services Expense of pubic transport Lack of car-sharing / pooling Poor road safety – dangerous roads / signs / driving Environmentally unfriendly fuels, eg leaded petrol Improve and provide more public transport services Reduce public transport costs Road safety campaigns / improve roads More unleaded petrol Increase car / road taxes Use public transport more Reduce amount of unnecessary journeys Share cars to work Drive more carefully
Possible plan Paragraph 1: Introduction – Increase in traffic in general Paragraph 2: Problems caused by traffic Paragraph 3: Public transport – individual solutions Paragraph 4: Public transport – government solutions Paragraph 5: Summary of opinions – public transport very important 10 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The candidate addresses the question reasonably well stating an opinion that an increase in public transport would be a good idea while commentating in the drawbacks of too much private transport. The essay is well organized into paragraphs with a clear introduction and conclusion and there is a logical progression to the argument. It is approximately the right length (259 words). Grammar, vocabulary and spelling need some attention (see answers below) and use of linking words could be improved. See below for samples from text. Grammar – transport is Spelling – considerably Delete word – the or wrong word – a rise in Word form – fewer people using their own cars Subject-verb agreement – are Punctuation – no full stop before because, so no capital letter Add word - but / who Grammar – increase in the use of
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Language focus 3 p28 Quantifiers 1 1 little 2 A few 3 Few 4 a little 2 1 2 3 4
needs Each all all
1 2 3 4
either Neither both Neither
1 2 3 4
other another other another
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 3 Out of this world Reading skills p30 Skimming and scanning 1 1 Dennis Tito’s age (line2) 2 Distance (in miles) of the International Space Station from the Earth. (line 8) 3 Length (in days) of the trip to space (line8) 4 Cost of the trip in million pounds 5 Kilos of luggage allowed (line 30) 6 Number of family members who saw Tito take off. (line 52) 2 1 2 3
True (line 2: the most expensive holiday in history.) False (line 28-29: to sleep only in Russian sections of the craft.) False (lines 69-70: I do miss a good hamburger,)
Reading 1 p30 True, False or Not Given 1 TURE (line 28; sunny blue skies) 2 NOT GIVEN (line 28: we only know that he slept in Russian sections of the craft.) 3 FALSE (line 38: Amateurs have flown in space before…) 4 FALSE (lines 42-47: The final countdown began at 3am Moscow time, when … were awoken at their hotel.) 5 NOT GIVEN Short answers 1 line 49: doctors washed the crew with a special alcohol lotion 2 lines 54-55: Suzanne, his former wife 3 line 57: After a 40 minute ride to the test centre. 4 Lines 67-68: soups, juice, tea and coffee, all in toothpaste-like tubes Guessing meaning from content 1 C 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 B
Language focus p32 Articles 1 Indefinite articles 1 c 2 b 3 a
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Definite articles 1 c 2 b 3 d 4 a 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a, the a The A a The, the A, a the the a
Listening 1 p33 Listening for gist 1 Paris 2 Five days Multiple choice 1 C (possible distraction that she used to be a teacher) 2 B (possible distraction that Saturday is not mentioned first) 3 D (possible distraction ‘no ferries or coaches’) 4 C (possible distraction 10:00 as the question gives 24 hour clock times) Classification 5I 6F 7P
Reading 2 p34 Reading for gist D All of the above Guessing meaning from context 1 respect (Point 2) 2 familiarize (Point 10) 3 appreciate (Point 3) 4 exploit (Point 8) 5 encourage (Point 14) 6 introduce (Point 5) Summary completion 1 an ecotour operator (Paragraph 1) 2 local (Paragraph 3 and 4) 3 positive (Paragraph 3 and 5) 4 guests (Point 1) 5 respect (Point 2) 6 soap (Point 11) 7 endangered (Point 14)
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Writing p38 Task 1: Selecting significant information 3 3 There was an increase in the number of visitors to Australia in the 1990s. 4 3 4 5
(the highest figures for an individual country over the period) (The biggest overall increase over the period) (A significant increase for an individual country over the period)
The other statements were not as suitable for the following reasons: 1 (not a significant figure in terms of all the data) 3 (statement is inaccurate – figures increased) 6 (not a significant increase in terms of all the data) Task 1: Comparing data and describing trends 6
Describing trends (1) …increased significantly over the decade. (3) …more than doubled over the period. (5) …which rose from … to … (6) …increased over the decade … (8) …rose over the same period from … to …
Comparing data (2) The biggest increase was in … (4) The largest number of visitors in total came from … (7) There were considerably fewer visitors (9) There were almost as many visitors from the United Kingdom as from … (10) …there were nearly as many tourists from other European countries as from … 7 1 2 3
The number of visitors from the UK rose sharply / significantly between 1995 and 1999. The number of visitors from Canada dropped slightly from 1991 to 1993. The number of visitors from Germany increased steadily from 1991 to 1995.
1 2 3
In 1999 there were more than tress times as many visitors from the UK as from Germany. In 1991 there were almost / nearly as many visitors from the UK as from the US. The largest / most significant number of visitors in 1999 was from the UK.
Strategy: Writing Task 1 1 Describe the data and give examples
3 4 6 10
Write an introductory sentence saying what the data is describing. Check your grammar and spelling. Start with any general statements and move to specific information. Organize and present the data logically.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Study skills p41 Reflecting on what you have learnt Answers for 3 1 to go up / to rise (page 32) 2 a, (singular countable noun mentioned for the first time) the (unique singular countable noun) (page 32) 3 Look at the parts of the table that are already complete. These will help you to predict the type of answer that is needed. (p36) 4 It is important to…you ought to… (page 35) 5 Make sure your answer is grammatically correct and agrees with what is said in the text. (page 35) 6 Dropped significantly and rose gradually (page 39). Note that these are not exact synonyms.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 4 All in the mind Listening p42 Summary completion 1 1 learn languages 2 persuade 3 lawyers 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
(make) connections engineering communication recognizing sense of direction play an instrument
Multiple choice with more than one option 3 10 and 11 B, C 12 and 13 A, D 14 and 15 B, D
Language focus p44 -ing form and infinitive 1 0 Bodily kinaethetic 1 Visual-spatial intelligence 2 Interpersonal intelligence 3 Intrapersonal intelligence 4 Logical Mathematical intelligence 5 Musical intelligence 6 Linguistic intelligence 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
visiting (or possibly to visit – AmE) working spending to understand learning / to learn (depends if it’s seen as pleasurable itself or a goof idea perhaps in order to learn English) to speak
3 Followed by -ing appreciate Followed by infinitive need would like
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Followed by both -ing and infinitive love like dislike Note that although all verbs can be followed by both forms, the infinitive is mostly used in American English. 4 Followed by -ing 5 Followed by -ing
avoid consider imagine mind practice involve
Followed by infinitive
agree decide fail hope promise refuse want wish
Followed by both -ing and infinitive try begin stop remember forget
Pronunciation p45 Connected speech 1 The ‘t' in next week and the ‘d’ in brand new are elided. The letters in bold in the tapescript show examples of elision. 2 ‘Tin man’ becomes ‘tim man’ ‘Ten pin bowling’ becomes ‘tem pim bowling’ The letters underlined in tapescript 14 on page 36 show examples of assimilation.
Reading 1 p46 Table completion 2
Organization City or place Main aim
Text 1: Crows Zoology Department, Oxford University Oxford make (simple) tools
Text 2: Dolphins Earthtrust Hawaii dolphins are selfaware
Text 3: Orang-utans Smith-sonian National Zoological Park New York Commun-icate
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 3 Text 1 1 2 3 4 Text 3 1 2 3 4 Text 3 1 2 3 4
lift / retrieve bent nine times materials one-way mirror their reflection zinc oxide / mark / zinc oxide mark man / humans and apes symbol right / correct a reward / rewards ability to communicate
Writing p48 Introductions Introduction 1 • Too brief • Rather simplistic: you need to be clever to do this. Introduction 2 Virtually repeats the question word for word in the first sentence. This is a common feature of students’ answers. Point out that they will not gain any marks for copying the question, so in effect it is a waste of time. The second sentence is a very general statement that could be a bit more focused. Introduction 3 • Clear opening sentence • Paraphrasing of questions (eg judged instead of true measure, education success instead of academic achievement. •
Well-expressed sentences – simple and clear, range of structures and use of a linking word (However)
All these points are positive features of a strong introduction. Therefore this is clearly the best introduction. The main body 3 1 There are many people who leave school at the age of 16 yet go on to have successful careers. 2 This is often particularly true of people with practical skills such as carpenters or plumbers. 3 Although they may not have passed many exams at schools, they have successfully learnt a trade or skill which definitely requires intelligence. 4 There are also further examples of people who have not achieved academic success in education.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 1 2 3
carpenters or plumbers practical skills or those who have successfully learnt a trade or skill There are also further examples…
1 2
It cannot be denied that creative or artistic ability is another form of intelligence. Musicians have the skills to perform complex pieces of music while artists can create beautiful pieces of work through painting or sculpture. Such skills cannot necessarily be learnt on a course or from a book yet could be considered to be more ‘natural’ forms of intelligence.
1 2 3
creative or artistic ability perform complex pieces of music or create beautiful pieces of work through painting or sculpture This type of skill is more a ‘natural form of intelligence, ie not learnt on a course or from a book.
5 Sentence 1: A final example of another aspect of intelligence is knowledge Sentence 2: They Sentence 2: learning about a subject independently Sentence 2: dealing with a variety of real-life situations and problems Sentence 3: such difficulties Conclusions 7 Paragraph 3 Main idea: Does inherited intelligence from parents mean children are more likely to achieve? Supporting information: Not always the case – supportive and interested parents more likely to mean success. Paragraph 3 Main idea: Early childhood influences future success. Supporting information: Parents are a very important influence in this period. Paragraph 4 Main idea: Teachers have greater influence on a child’s success in later years especially if child lacks support from home. Supporting information: Teachers help with subjects, advice about career, provide support.
Listening skills p51 Listening and writing simultaneously 1 (just) born clever 2 influence them 3 2,000 words 4 environmental 5 results might differ / are different 6 reasons or evidence 7 according to author 8 next tutorial
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Vocabulary p52 Lexical links 1 Text 1: hook / implement (possibly garden wire) Text 2: dolphin / creatures (possibly apes / a subject / they) Text 3: carried out / conducted 2 B
Chimps have language. They can, and do, communicate with humans. There is a linguistic chimp called Nim Chimpsky with a vocabulary of 125 signs, all used correctly… The evidence is not in their capacity to stand upright or use computer touch screens. The evidence is in the DNA. Instead of comparing digits, or spinal structure, … At one level, he is reviving an argument about classification: what is it that makes animals alike, and different, and how do you logically group them. But at another level, he is raising an argument about human links with the rest of creation. So a small change in classification translates into a big one in moral attitudes. If apes were reclassified as human, would they then be entitles to human rights? And if apes were classified as humans, would Homo sapiens be guilty of genocide?
Study skills p53 Using a dictionary 1 [C] countable noun … adj adjective [T] transitive verb … sb somebody [U] uncountable noun … adv adverb [I] intransitive verb … sth something abbrev abbreviation 2 1 2
7 (bright, brilliant, clever, quick, sharp, smart, wise) should is followed by an infinitive without to / no tenses, participles. Questions and negatives are formed without do. The negative is contracted to shouldn’t 3 give, issue, provide an instruction carry out, follow, obey an instruction disobey, disregard, ignore an instruction 4 yes (three stars in the MED) 5 high 6 no [U] 7 formal 8 adverb 9 AmEng subway = underground train. BritEng subway = pedestrian walkway under a road. 10 if you are being honest.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 5 A career or a job? Listening p54 Multiple choice Optional activity 1 D 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 B Completing a flow chart 3 1 National 2 Agency 3 free / no fee 4 direct contact / contact company (them) directly 5 job description 6 reference 7 (a) covering letter 8 send (it) (off)
Language focus 1 p56 Future plans and arrangements 1 1 I’ll see you here. 2 what’s he going to talk about? 3 the lecture will cover… 4 what are you doing on Wednesday? 5 What time does it start? 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Are you going to be (this is an example of when going to rather than present continuous is needed because it is an intention but not an arrangement.) you’ll make won’t you? you’re going to do? I’ll come and visit you. I’m meeting I’ll see.
Reading skills p57 Scanning 1 B (at least 6 months’ experience in a similar role.) 2 A (maternity contract for 6 months) 3 C (you must have a 2:1 or first in Business…) 4 A (fluent in French or Dutch) 5 B (post distribution)
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Guessing meaning from context 2 1 confident telephone manner 2 a stable CV 3 WP 4 2:1 or first 5 a team player 6 fluent in French 7 computer literate 8 flexible 9 a post graduate qualification 10 good communication and organizational skills 11 methodical 12 good sense of humour 3 Possible answers Qualities • confident telephone manner • a team player • flexible • methodical • good sense of humour Qualifications • 2:1 or first • Post graduate qualification Skills • • • • Other • •
WPW fluent in French computer literate communication and organizational skills related discipline a stable CV
Reading p58 Understanding information in tables 1 The number of people who have a traditional view that a woman’s role is that of a housewife and mother, who does not go out to work, has decreased significantly. 2 and 3 Students’ own answers. Yes, No, Not given 1 YES (Paragraph 1: By 1999, the proportion had more than doubled to 55%.) 2 YES (Paragraph 1: Between 1976 and 1999, the participation rate for women with children under 16 grew from 39% to 71%.) 3 NO (Paragraph 2: labour shortages are forecast in a wide range of occupations, including medicine and health, teaching, and public services.) 4 NOT GIVEN 5 YES (Paragraph 4: organizations will need to retain and develop an increasingly diverse workforce, …) 6 NOT GIVEN
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Matching headings to paragraphs 1 7 2 8 3 1 4 6 5 5 6 3 Labelling a diagram Fig 1: C Fig 2: A Fig 3: E
Vocabulary p61 Suffixes proportion participation distribution population occupation information projection combination organization obligation contribution interruption
disability minority flexibility continuity employability majority
attachment commitment retirement development exployment
Writing 1 p62 Task 1: Comparing and contrasting data 2 1 The year 2000 2 For example: Morocco highest rate of unemployment for both sexes and very high female rate (more than 25%). Netherlands lowest rate and very low for males. Belize has high unemployment rate for females. 3 The simplest way would be to examine each section, ie both sexes, males, females and also focus on the highest and lowest rates. Emphasize again that selecting key points and grouping information appropriately are key features of string answers.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Language focus 2 p63 Contrast linkers / markers 3 Example answers Although The male unemployment rate in Belize is not that high, the female rate is over 20%. Over 20% of females in Belize are unemployed, although the male unemployment rate is not that high. (Although can go at the beginning of the first or second clause in a sentence. There is usually a comma after the first clause. Although is followed by a subject and finite verb). The male unemployment rate in Belize is not that high. However, the female rate is over 20%. On the other hand, the female rate is over 20%. Unemployment has not decreased. On the contrary, it has increased. In some countries unemployment has decreased. Conversely, it has increased in other countries. (However / On the other hand / On the contrary / Conversely contrast ideas in two different sentences. These linkers usually come at the beginning of the second sentence and are followed by a comma. These forms are followed by a subject and finite verb). Despite the unemployment rate being low in developed countries, it was high in some less developed countries. In spite of low unemployment in developed countries, the rate is still high in many less developed countries. (Despite / In spite of are both followed by a gerund or noun. They can go at the beginning of a sentence with two clauses or in the middle. There is usually a comma after the first clause. If the subject of the verbs in the two clauses is the same, the gerund can come directly after these forms, eg He went to the party, despite / in spite of feeling very tired). Students may find it easier to use the phrase Despite / in spite of the fact that, as this can then be followed by a subject and a finite verb, eg ‘Despite the fact that unemployment was low in developed countries…’. 5 1 2 3
rose significantly / However / fall Although / similar / higher Despite / increased
Writing 2 p64 Writing: further practice 1 In very general terms, the pie charts indicate that Tanzania’s economy is based primarily on agriculture, while in Ireland the service and manufacturing industries are very important. 2 1999 3 Agriculture is the main source of employment in Tanzania but is low in Ireland. The service industry is very important in Ireland but only 14.2% are employed in this in Tanzania. There are no figures for those employed in energy and water in Tanzania.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 4
Different types of employment could be grouped and then the data needs to be compared / contrasted. So describing all of the first pie chart followed by the second pie chart would not be appropriate.
See Model answers on page 161 of the Student’s Book.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 6 Crime and punishment Vocabulary p66 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
kidnapping shoplifting mugging vandalism robbery burglary
1 2
terrorism (using violence to achieve political aims or force governments to do something) fraud (obtaining money from someone by tricking them)
1 2 3 4 5
A caution A fine A suspended sentence Imprisonment Capital punishment
Reading p67 1-2 It provides free, confidential service with emotional support, information and practical help to victims. (lines 6-8) Yes, No, Not Given 1 NOT GIVEN (line 2 says this is the crime most commonly referred to Victim Support, but does not mention other charities) 2 YES (line 4: Most victims of crime want to talk to someone…) 3 NOT GIVEN 4 NO (lines 6-7: regardless of whether or not you have told the police) 5 NOT GIVEN (The words never…again are not mentioned in the text) Matching sections and summaries A 6 B 5 C 2 D 3 Sentence completion 1 letter or leaflet 2 to talk to 3 very much affected 4 face-to-face and telephone (face-to-face is treated as one word as it is hyphenated) Identifying text type B an official government report
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Language focus 1 p69 Defining relative clauses 1 1 … but Victim Support provides a service which involves talking to a specially trained volunteer. 2 People who are victims of burglary can be affected in a wide range of difference ways… 3 Those whose houses have been burgled may be upset just at the thought… 4 Victim Support can also help victims deal with people who usually need to be contacted after a burglary. 2 1 2 3 4
things: which and that people: who and that who refers to a person, whose to a person’s possession of something. no.
3 Object 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
who / that who/ that which / that / none needed which / that / none needed which / that / none needed who / that whose who
5 Burglary is one of the most common crimes which people commit. Some figures show that up to one in six crimes which are reported is a burglary. Therefore, many people will be burgled at some point in their life. Some of those who are burgled will find it devastating, even if none of their possessions are actually taken. People who commit burglary should realize the effect they may have on someone else’s life. In my opinion, if someone who has already been convicted of burglary offends again, they should receive a stiffer sentence.
Writing p71 Task 2: Evaluating and challenging ideas, evidence or an argument 2 1 In the future, prisons will have bigger cells with computers and be for learning and working. 2 The main criticisms are that they will be like ‘holiday camps’ and be a ‘waste of taxpayers’ money’. 3 Students decide if they are for or against these prisons. 3 The writer is for these prisons but against (or disagree with) the views in the statement. Introducing the main topic to evaluate – 4 Challenging ideas – 1, 6 Agreeing with ideas (possible to be backed with reasons) – 5 Giving opinions – 2
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Consequences / results – 3 a4 b2 c5 d1 e6 f3
Paragraph 2 Main topic: Learning and working is a good thing, as are better living conditions Phrases which give opinions and supporting evidence: 1 I believe that this will not only give prisoners motivation and interest, but also help them live a relatively normal life. 2 I tend to think that improved facilities and living conditions will have a more beneficial effect on the prisoner than the opposite. 3 For these reasons, I fully agree that changes need to be made.
Paragraph 3 Main topic: New-style prisons will not be like ‘holiday camps’ Sentence which challenges the negative view in the question: Some people argue that these new style prisons will turn into ‘holiday camps’, but I am unconvinced that this would be the case. Sentence which gives an example to support an opinion: For example, prisoners would be getting both physical and mental exercise in this scheme and would not be able to laze around and do nothing. Sentence that outlines another reason in favour of the new system: Since this new system would give clear goals for prisoners, I am certain it is a more constructive approach.
Paragraph 4 Main topic: It is worth spending money to develop these prisons as in the long term it will produce better citizens. Sentence which agrees with the statement to a degree but then gives support of the new prisons: Although such challenges will undoubtedly be expensive, I still feel that it would be a good idea to spend money on developing these prisons. Sentence that shows the writer’s view of the consequences of the new prisons: As a result, the level of crime might be reduced and we would be able to live in a safer world.
Listening p73 Prediction Possible answers 1 Acceptable reasons: illness, doctors / dentist, funeral 2 Activities: shopping, sport, visit friends 3 Students’ own answers 4 Students’ own answers Note completion 1 life of crime 2 weekend 3 heavy fines 4 bullying / being bullied 5 schools
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Matching 6 D 7 J 8 P (note that L agrees, but tentatively ‘it’s certainly a possibility’)
Language focus 2 p74 Reason / result clauses 1 Example 1: as Example 2: Therefore Example 3: Since Example 4: As a result 2 As and since are used to give a reason, explaining why someone does something or why a situation exists. As a result and therefore are used to express a result. As a result is used to describe something that is caused directly by something else happening. Therefore is used when something happens as a result of the reason previously given. 3 1 2
so because
4 therefore / as a result 5 1 2
as / because / since therefore / consequently / so / as a result
Therefore / consequently / As a result (note that this is a new sentence, which means so is not an appropriate choice.
Pronunciation p75 Word stress 1 All of the words have three syllables. 2
Ooo punishment prisoner
oOo suspension detention expulsion
ooO absentee
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Listening skills p76 Listening and writing simultaneously 1 1 Neighbourhood Watch 2 For example, 1) group of people, 4) and 5) names of crimes 3 For example, 2) a verb 8) noun 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(the) local people move around (much) or move house (much / often) community spirit burglary } in an order vandalism } contact the police you have time house / home insurance
Study skills p77 Understanding verbs in essay titles 1 1 compare – consider the ways in which things are similar (and possibly different) contrast – consider the ways in which things are difference (only) explain – to tell someone something in a way that helps them understand it better 2 evaluate – to give your judgement on the value or worth of something describe – to give an account of what something is like (without giving an opinion) 3 identify – to say exactly what something is, or to explain a term discuss – to write about a subject in detail 4 You justify your opinion by giving supporting evidence or reasons for it. 2 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 D
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 7 Globalization Reading 1 p78 Scanning 2 Global Communications: a (negative), e (positive) Global Travel and Tourism: b (negative), h (positive) Global Media: f (positive) g (negative) Global Business: c (positive), d (negative)
Language focus 1 p78 1 1 2
a b
Non-defining relative clauses 2 1 Main idea: the big tour operation take most of the profits … Extra info: (the big tour operators) own airline, retail chains … 2 Main idea: Trade is worth four trillion dollars a year. Extra info: Four trillion dollars a year is 1.7 million dollars a minute. 3 Main idea: A garment worker in Bangladesh would have to save eight years wages … Extra info: Bangladesh is one of the world’s poorest countries. 4 Main idea: The local people benefit from jobs using their skills … Extra info: The local people would otherwise have few employment opportunities. 3 1 2 3 4
can cannot cannot are
Greater cultural contact has been encouraged by tourism, which has doubled over the last 15 years. The banana, which is Britain’s most popular fruit, is worth more than £5 billion in world trade. Shima, who lives in Bangladesh, earns less than $1.50 for a day’s work.
3 4
Listening p80 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
d f c a b e
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 2 Pro-globalization: The United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization Anti-globalization: (some) Trade Unions, Friends of the Earth, International Aid Organizations 3 1 and 2 C, D 3 global / world trade 4 motor technology 5 100 years 6 c 4 7 8 9
environmental tropical rainforests (cheap) imports
5 10 1995 11 182 12 business community 6 Introduction – 4 and 5 Sequencing – 7, 10, 12, (note that these phrases also appear in the introduction), 11, 3 Changing topic – 1, 2, 6, 9 Concluding / Summarizing – 8 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
In the first part of today’s lecture I would like to … I will start by considering … Secondly, I will explain … Finally, I intend to … So, let’s begin with … Now let us look a little at … Turning now to … Lastly, … Having looked at … …let’s now consider … So, we’ve seen that … I’d now like to move on to …
Reading 2 p82 Skimming 1 8,000 million 2 25 million 3 80 4 43 5 10 million 6 150
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key True, False, Not given 1 FALSE 2 TRUE 3 FALSE 4 NOT GIVEN 5 FLASE 6 FALSE 7 TRUE Sentence completion 1 (personal) sacrifices 2 twice 3 tiny 4 share 5 noticeable 6 cash 7 fair rate Identifying the writer’s purpose B Guessing meaning from context 1 fluctuated 2 retailing 3 sustained 4 precarious 5 undermining 6 declining
Vocabulary p84 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
funds – available money commodity – something that can be bought and sold retail price – how much something costs to buy in a shop market price – how much something costs to buy in large quantities income – money that someone gets from working middleman – a person or company that buys from producers and sells to customers at a profit. 7 loan shark – someone who lends money to people at a very high rate of interest 8 trader / dealer – someone who buys and sells things 9 consumer – someone who buys something or uses services 10 player – a person or organization that influences a situation, especially in business or politics
Prices going down: 1 2 4
world price fell by 50% reduction in the supermarket price of coffee a fall of 20%
Prices staying the same: 3 7
prices remained stable sustained its price
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Prices going up: 4 5
the market picked up market price of coffee rose by 50%
Language focus 2 p85 The passive 1 Paragraph 1: is derived, was known Paragraph 2: was used, were fermented Paragraph 3: is grown Paragraph 4: is produced Paragraph 5: is removed, is removed 2 Past simple: …was grown Past continuous: …was being grown Present perfect simple: …has been grown 3 1 Brazil 2 See page 152 4 1 2
b a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
is made are sorted is roasted are loaded are mashed are added is called is heated is blended is tempered is allowed
Writing p86 Task 1: Describing a process 1 Line 2: First, Line 4: Then, Line 8: Next, Line 14: After this, Line 17: Following this, Line 19: Finally 2 1 2
in order to is followed by a verb phrase. Which results in is followed by a noun phrase
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 3 1 2 3 4
as – line 4 after milking machine because – line 5 after refrigerated containers and therefore – line 11 after any bacteria so that – line 19 after and shops
Writing: further practice 5 See model answer on page 162.
Speaking skills p88 Balancing the argument 1 Question 5 2 1 2
More people can travel (as cheaper) and more people can experience different places and cultures. More pollution, too many tourists and not enough clean water supplies.
1 2 3
… there are clearly different ways of looking at it… As far as I’m concerned… Elicit a few examples and refer to page 24.
Study skills p89 Revising and recycling vocabulary Suggested answers 1 The easiest way to use them is to look at the English word, and try to remember what it means, before checking on the back. Slightly more challenging is to look at the definition / translation and try to remember the word in English. 2 The beauty of these cards id that they are small, and can be carried around in a bag, or a pocket. Consequently, anytime that the learner has a few minutes, eg on a bus, waiting in a queue, before class, etc, they can be brought out and looked at. They can be discarded and replaced with new words on cards, as the learner can reliably remember them. 2 Possible answers Words related to crime: victim, truancy, detention Words that are similar in my language: constructive, detention Collocations: clear goals Positive words: clear goals, constructive Words related to school discipline: detention, review
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 8 What’s the alternative? Reading p90 2
Suggested answers Conventional: 1, 3, 4 Alternative: 2, 5, 6 Classification 1 I (This therapy was invented in the early nineteenth …) 2 A (…originating in China more than 2,000 years ago.) 3 A (…patients treated with acupuncture … had less intense pain than patients who received a placebo.) 4 C (A chiropractor manipulates joints…) 5 I (…the eye marking can reveal a complete history of past illnesses.) 6 R (…the therapeutic manipulation of the hands and feet…) Multiple choice 1 D (But there is good evidence that it does not work for … weight loss.) 2 B (There is no scientific support for these assertions.) 3 D (It works…mainly in the short term.) 4 B (Patients and therapists should be discouraged from using this method.) 5 D
Vocabulary p92 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
pupil neck lungs back spine hands feet
1 2 3 4 5
e b a d c
Language focus 1 p93 Real conditionals 1 present tense (If you have a cold) or present perfect (If you have caught a cold) 2 present tense (recovery takes place) or will (or another modal) + inf (the infection will be spread, It may also be spread) 3 Unless. This means if something doesn’t happen. When. This is not really conditional because it implies this always happens. Provided. This is used only if a particular thing happens.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 4
Yes, you can change the order. See It may also be spread by hand if someone has the virus…. In this case there is no comma between the clauses.
Pronunciation p94 Intonation 1 The speaker’s voice should rise in the first clause (unfinished thought) and fall in the second (to show completion). This indicates that the first clause is shared information, and the second is new or additional. 4 The speaker’s voice rises on reflexology, acupuncture and herbal medicine, signalling an unfinished list, and falls on massage, signaling completion. Remind students that incomplete utterances usually have a rising intonation, whilst completed ones have a falling intonation. 5 The student’s intonation is very flat, and the lecturer sounds progressively more irritated, because the student is perceived as sounding uninterested, possibly even rude. 6 In this conversation, this intonation is more normal, and the student gets a much more friendly and positive response from the lecturer. S: Hello, you wanted to see me? L: Hi, yes, I just wanted to see how you’re getting along with your assignments this term. S: I’m doing fine. I’ve finished the first assignment and I’m working on the second one now. L: Good. Are you managing to find enough material? S: Yes, I’ve been using the college library, the department library and the Internet. L: Fine. And you’re managing to work to the deadlines? S: Yeah, and I’ve been told that if I need an extension, I can ask for one. L: OK. Good, you seem to be on the right track, then.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Writing p95 Expressing your opinion 1 C – use of direct question is inappropriate in writing 2 A – appropriate use of impersonal style 3 B – personal opinion using ‘I’ but appropriate in an IELTS Task 2 essay 4 A – appropriate use of impersonal style 5 B – personal opinion using ‘I’ but appropriate in an IELTS Task 2 essay 6 C – use of rhetorical question and informal expression inappropriate in writing Giving reasons to support your opinions 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c Using adverbs 4 1 apparently 2 unfortunately 3 fortunately 4 surprisingly 5 naturally, clearly, obviously 5 1 2 3 4 5 6
naturally, clearly, obviously naturally, clearly, obviously, unfortunately, fortunately, apparently apparently, unfortunately unfortunately, naturally, clearly, obviously apparently, surprisingly surprisingly, apparently, clearly, obviously
Reading skills p97 1 Genetically modified animals: A What are GM animals? B What else could GM animals be used for? C Is this safe for humans? D What about the animals? Human cloning A What exactly is cloning? B How is it done? C IS it legal? D Why might people want to clone humans? E Why ban cloning?
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Listening p98 1 1 2 3 4 5
Language focus 2 p99 Avoiding repetition 1 this: something which should not be there them: the lungs this: dirt or dust getting into the lungs them: the lungs it: coughing this: trying not to cough it: trying not to cough or not coughing 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
They They, they This, it one, this or that it, then These
Language focus 3 p100 Unreal conditionals 1 1 A past tense (in this case passive) 2 No. Although they are using a past tense form they are talking about a hypothetical situation. 3 Would + inf (or another modal expressing possibility.) 4 Yes. Again the comma would be removed in this case. 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
If human cloning were legalized, people might live forever. Infertile parents could have children if human cloning were legalized. If a human were cloned, they wouldn’t be unique. If GM animals escaped into the wild, they might spread their genes. If we made food from GM animals, it might be poisonous. GM animals could displace wild animals if they escaped into the wild.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Study skills p101 Editing 1 1 See exercise 2. 2 I am an international student. 1 studying Business at (wrong word) 2 Plymouth University. I have been here for 3 nearly eight months. I believe (spelling) I am 4 suited to business management because I worked in my father’s company 5 last year and I learnt (wrong tense) practical business knowledge from my father. I am 6 interested 7 in many things. I enjoy listening to (wrong form / word missing) music, both classic and pop. I very much like (word order) reading foreign novels because 8 it provides an opportunity of learning the (word not needed) English. 3 If I will (word not needed) get a good degree, I am going to (missing word) work in my father’s company again. This is a the (wrong word) best way for me to learning learn (wrong form) the business. I will work very hardly hard (wrong form), that which (wrong word) will please my father, and I hope I will soon be (missing word) promoted!
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 9 Gadgets and gizmos Listening 1 p102 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Talos Joseph Jaquard’s textile machine the Analytic Automaton Universal Automaton Shakey Asimo
1 2 3 4 5
France write (messages) Vaucanson 1901 automatic computers
3 6 and 7 A, D 4 8 and 9 A, C 10 Japan 11 two legs 12 first non-human
Language focus 1 p103 Present perfect vs. past simple 1 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 c 2 3
and 5 Present perfect
Reading p104 1 1 2 3 4
1926 Pop-up toaster 1979 Cellular phone 1956 Pager (in 1995, it introduced the ‘batwing’ M.) 1964 Tape recorder
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Skimming and scanning 4 0 Transistor radio (Seventy-four per cent of Japanese homes had a radio in the midFifties…) 1 Bush TV (Legend has it that many of these obsolete TVs were…turned into fish tanks.) 2 Pop-up toaster (…toasters didn’t really catch on in Europe until the 1950s.) 3 Tape recorder (…the TC-100 was less than half the weight of the lightest reel-to-reel and took half the space.) 4 Pager (…hospitals immediately adopted it.) 5 Computer mouse (…was born of research…conducted during World War Two.) 6 Cellular phone (…functions not only as a phone but also as a fax, calculator…) True, False and Not Given 5 1 FALSE (Pager – the trade mark was already better recognized than the company name) 2 TRUE (Bush TV – After the war, the television … began its ascent.) 3 NOT GIVEN (Cellular phone – we only know if was developed then) 4 FALSE (Tape recorder – Sony was too) 5 TRUE (Pop-up toaster – a result feature in the 1930s) 6 TRUE (Computer mouse – beginning of last paragraph) 7 FLASE (Bush TV – the first televisions were larger, taking up half the living room) 8 NOT GIVEN (Transistor radio – we only know they were popular in Japan)
Listening 2 p106 2
Sales in Billions $ 20
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 3 a) b) c) d) e)
CDs 21.8% singles 0.4% mini-discs
a) b) c) d)
USA W. Europe Japan USA
Writing 1 p107 Exemplification 2 1 shows 2 As shown 3 such as / for example (like is not appropriate here as it is too formal) 4 example, in the case of
Language focus 2 p109 Countable and uncountable nouns 1 countable uncountable Can use a / Yes No an Can use the Yes Yes Can make the Yes No noun plural Need to use a No Yes quantifier to specify how much (such as a piece of) Can use Yes (if Yes plural) some Can use No Yes much Can use Yes No many 2 Countable: advance, fact, toxin, dollar, journey, vehicle, report, machine Uncountable: advice, pollution, money, transport, knowledge, news, progress, machinery, information, research, travel, politics, equipment
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 3 1 2 3 4 5
Paragraph 1 – progresses progress Paragraph 2 – transports transport Paragraph 3 – many money much money Paragraph 4 – a travel travel – often confused with journey, which is countable Paragraph 4 – informations information
Writing 2 p110 Infinitives of purpose 4 1 Why it is used 2 an infinitive 3 in order to 4 insert ‘not’ before the infinitive (eg, so as not to, in order not to) 5 1 2 3 4
Balloons are usually bright colours so as to / in order to be easily visible. Many people use mobile phones so as to / in order to stay in close contact with friends and colleagues. People use computers so as to / in order to get information quickly. The public must use their cars as little as possible so as no9t to / in order not to cause unnecessary pollution and congestion.
6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
steel ropes basket is attached is inflated are determined a safety harness using the blast valve the burner
Writing: further practice Sample answer on page163.
Listening skills p112 Listening and writing simultaneously 1 All answers require correct capitalization Title Authors 1 Understanding Economic Markets David Royce 2 Microeconomics: an introduction Bill Harris and Sarah Tarnley 3 Economics Today Julie Bond 2 1 Paula 07790 765456 2 results of job interview 01923 7766892 3 Dentist appointment at 9 am tomorrow 4 Paula email her [email protected]
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Study skills p113 Editing 2 3 1 The past hundred years have seen (tense) enormous developments in technology. …Moreover, (spelling) they have also driven many dramatic changes in our society. It could be argued that one of the most important advances…where contacting someone involved seeing them face to face or writing them a letter (article), which would take (extra ‘be’ – a common mistake with Chinese students) days, or possible weeks to reach them. Furthermore, in these days of mobile phones, the equipment (countable / uncountable) needed to call someone… 2 …The majority of (missing preposition) people in the developed world…to easily access news, information, or get advice (3x count / non count mistakes – these words are commonly difficult for students) on everything from medical to financial problems. Another development that has been of great social significance is (missing verb) the washing machine. …With the advent of such labour saving devices, women had more freedom to choose to have a career as well as a family. It is often said (passive/ active) that this has had a very destabilizing effect on families, but it has also enabled many women to have satisfying (spelling) careers, and I feel… Although many other advances could be said to be significant, (word form) in my opinion these three are the ones which have changed society the most.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 10 The future of computing Reading p114 Multiple choice 3 1-3 A (Paragraph C: we muddle the timing of events.) C (Paragraph D: In a giant shoebox…it’s hard to find what you’re looking for.) D (Paragraph D: Remembering what we have, let alone finding it, becomes a major headache.) 4 and 5 B (Paragraph F: The privacy and corporate security risks are clear.) D (Paragraph G: the system takes up a huge amount of memory.) Note completion 4 1 everything he can 2 reads 3 phone conversations 4 dates 5 a friend’s name. Classification 5 1 C (Paragraph J: Users will eventually be able to keep every document they read…) 2 B (Paragraph J: Bell believes that for some people, especially those with memory problems…) 3 B (Paragraph J: …in a way not possible with the familiar but disparate records like photo albums and scrapbooks.) 4 A (Paragraph K: Doug de Groot…says Bell’s system could eventually form the basis for ‘meet the ancestor’ style educational tools…) 5 B (Paragraph G: Bell calculates than within five years, a 1000-gigabyte hard drive will cost less…)
Language focus p117 Expressing the future: predictions and intentions 2 1B 2B 3B 4A 5A 6A 7A
Vocabulary p118 Prefixes 1 They have the negative prefixes in im-, un- and –in.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 2 disretransantimisilpremicro3 1 2 3 4 10
not, or to reverse an action again, or back across against wrong or badly not (with some words beginning with I) before small
disloyal, disappear reprint, reverse transatlantic, transport antibiotic, anticlockwise misunderstand, misspelt illegal, illiterate (but note: disloyal) pre-war, premature microscope, micrometer
4 a) b) c) d) e) f)
a bicycle with a single wheel to manage something badly the science that deals with very small living things a railway system in which trains travel on a single track something which is already wrapped or in a box when you buy it across several different countries
Listening p119 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
(a) journalist Mark (NOT mark) friendship former name (maiden name would also be acceptable) workplace £5 / five pounds
7 8 9 10 11 12
Pronunciation p121 Stress patterns 2 responsible (oOoo) curiosity (ooOoo) curious (Ooo) addict (Oo) addictive (oOo) responsibility (ooOoo)
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Writing p122 Task 2: Analysing the question • Information Technology – there is a specific topic • The past and present could be mentioned briefly but the main aim is to predict future developments in this field • Individual ideas and opinions are important Balancing your argument 2.1 B is the correct answer 2.2 1 2 3 4
point 2 second it but, although, On the other hand, despite: The World Wide Web provides useful information, but it is difficult to navigate. Although the World Wide Web provides useful information, it is difficult to navigate. The World Wide Web provides useful information, although it is difficult to navigate. The World Wide Web provides useful information. On the other hand, it is difficult to navigate. The World Wide Web provides useful information, despite being difficult to navigate.
Possible answer It is possible to work more easily from home but there are now more computer viruses attacking systems. Although it is possible to work more easily from home, there are now more computer viruses attacking systems. 4 The writer agrees with the statement because he / she feels there will be more negative developments in the future (mainly shown in the paragraphs 3 and 4).
Optional activity Possible answers Contrast: In spite of the fact that / Despite the fact that / Even though many more advances are likely … Many more advances are likely to take place in the future. However . Nevertheless . Nonetheless, it is quite possible … However / Nevertheless / Nonetheless… there are likely to be serious negative effects… Reason / result Global communication has become much quicker and cheaper as / since / because there is now easier access… Consequently, / Therefore, / For this reason, …face-to-face communication and social contact will be reduced… Addition Moreover, / Furthermore, / What is more, I think computer viruses will be created Moreover, / Furthermore, / What is more, the WWW and email have been used for educational purposes. The WWW and email communication have been used for educational purposes too
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 5 Introduction Main points: Global communication quicker and cheaper Paragraph 2 Positive points: Easier access to more information WWW and email used in education Paragraph 3 Negative points: Illegal activities, eg, pornography and information theft More computer viruses Paragraph 4 Negative points: More people addicted to ‘surfing’ and chat lines Reduces social contact Conclusion Main point: Need to consider / minimize negative effects so not controlled by IT technology
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 11 The art of advertising 2 A8 B5 C3 D7
Reading 1 p127 Identification of beliefs or arguments 1 1 A (Paragraph C: …by the age of seven or eight they have developed a good understanding of the purpose and intent of advertising…) 2 F (Paragraph L: we see some of the poorest families struggling to keep their heads above water while being bombarded with images of consumption they can ill afford…) 3 E (Paragraph A: they do not understand what advertising is.) 4 D (Paragraph N: Children are much easier to reach with advertising) 5 B (Paragraph G: if ITV did not have the advertising revenue…it could not make original children’s programmes.) Multiple choice 2-5 2 A (Paragraph F: Advertising in the UK…is conducted responsibly. The ITC’s regulations are taken seriously …) 3 A (Paragraph G: …broadcast low cost programmes brought in from the US and elsewhere…) 4 C (Paragraphs I and J: The number of advertisements watched by British children…It’s not surprising with statistics like these that the advertising industry is worried…) 5 B (Paragraph O: In the past, six years spending on advertising toys and games during children’s television has risen from £26m to £150m.)
Language focus p130 Modals of obligation and prohibition 1 Obligation Prohibition strong weak lack of strong weak obligation must should do not must should need to not not 2 Obligation strong weak have to
ought to
lack of obligation don’t have to
Prohibition strong weak ought not to
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 4 Present time should have to must
don’t need to
don’t have to shouldn’t
Past time should have + past principle had to + infinitive had to + infinitive (must have done, would imply deduction, not obligation) didn’t need to + infinitive or needn’t have + past participle (in British English, the former doesn’t imply whether you actually did it or not, while the latter implies you did do it, although it wasn’t necessary) didn’t have to + infinitive shouldn’t have + past participle
7 …you really should have read the question more carefully. So, I ought to have given more examples? …you were also supposed to compare and contrast them… I didn’t understand that I had to do that You didn’t need to word-process it
Reading 2 p131 Matching headings to paragraphs 2 1 Para B – vii (global standardization is inevitable… Kellogg …has been very influential…) 2 Para C – ix (it is considered better business practice… to change their products from one country to the next. …The best policy …is to adapt their product to a particular market.) 3 Para D – v (Many high-tech products such as DVD players… Hollywood films are often seen in the United States weeks or months before… other countries…) 4 Para E – ii (The advantage for firms is that it is easier to launch in one market at a time. Effort and concentration can be focussed…) 5 Para F – viii (The final consideration… is to take cultural differences into account) 6 Para G – iii ( must take time to find out about local customs and methods of business operation. Equally important is to ensure that such information is available…) 7 Para H – x (depend on many factors, such as… the key to marketing success…)
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Note completion 3 8 broaden their markets (paragraph A) 9 Ford (paragraph C) 10 ‘sprinkle’ (Paragraph D) 11 Hollywood / American / US (paragraph D) Multiple choice 4 12 C (Paragraph D: In terms of the car industry, it would be too expensive for manufacturers to develop and build completely different vehicles for difference markets.) 13 B (Paragraph H: …the key to marketing success on a global level, is to have sufficient information on how cultural differences are likely to affect the marketing of a product…)
Writing p143 Review of useful language 2 Introducing an essay In recent years there have been many developments in… Sequencing points Firstly, it is important to consider… The final point to consider is… Expressing opinions: agreeing with a point I would accept the view that… It is certainly true to say that… Expressing opinions: challenging / disagreeing with a point There is no evidence to suggest that… I am unconvinced that… Possible results This might lead to… This would have an effect on… Giving examples Taking X as an example… To illustrate this point… Adding a point It is not only…but… And there is the issue of… Drawing conclusions After examining the issues it is evident that… Overall, it is clear that..
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Speaking p135 2 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)
2 5 4 7 6 8 1 3
Listening p136 Classification 1 B (arguably C as well) 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C Multiple choice 2 6 C 7 D 3-4
8 and 9 1st and 2nd 10 special offer method 11 that Sunday (not ON Sunday) 12 (very) doubtful (NOT sarcastic – she is sarcastic, but cannot feel this, as it is a way of speaking) 13 unusual / different 14 not true / untrue / wrong / false / incorrect
Study skills p137 Finding useful language in reading texts 1 Paragraph B: It is widely expected that… Paragraph D: There is no serious evidence to suggest that… Paragraph E: I am convinced that… Paragraph G: But there’s another aspect to… 2 Not only… but (also)…Gives the second sentences a stronger emphasis. 3 Paragraph D: on Paragraph E: to Paragraph G: on Paragraph K: to
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 12 IELTS preparation Listening p138 1
Possible answers • • • •
because it is difficult to get a university place in their country because they wish to broaden their horizons because there is a special course they wish to take, which isn’t offered in their country because they want to improve their English
Possible answers • • • •
it can increase your self confidence it can give you a qualification which may have prestige value in your country it will give you fluency in another language it will give you insight into another culture, which may be useful, for example, if you are conducting business overseas
Example answers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Why are the audience visiting the university? (ie not the speaker) What are the speaker’s best memories of university about? Where is the speaker from? The speaker says that in his country a degree from a British university helps to get… What subject did the speaker graduate in? After graduating, which organization did the speaker work for in this own country? Having a British degree shows employers that the student is… When did he finish his postgraduate course?
Top tips for the IELTS Listening module 5 1 Read the instructions 3 questions carefully 5 a possible answer 6 check your spelling Collocations 7 List A field a strong the public a major academic fierce
List B of study reputation sector factor excellence competition
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Pronunciation p139 Schwa in unstressed syllables 1 organizing Oooo tertiary Ooo politician ooOo ooOo inspiration audience Ooo
Reading p139 Yes, No, Not Given 1 Yes (Some (careers) may be closed altogether.) 2 Yes (The world is teeming with people who have found that to be the case whether they have passed examinations or not.) 3 No (Practising what you have to do in the examination room is the key.) 4 Not Given 5 Yes (…in comparing yourself with others, you find you performance inadequate…Other people are largely irrelevant. They do not depend for their success upon your lack of success or vice versa.) 6 No (They may become more technical, involve more abstract ideas and concepts, involve you in greater specialization and more specialist jargon. This does not mean they become more difficult.) 7 No (Examiners do not expect you to have done so.) 8 Not Given Summary completion 1 reveal 2 disappointed in 3 ability 4 ineffective Top Tips for the IELTS Reading module 4 1 E – To improve your reading speed and comprehension you should read in English as much as possible. As well as books, try newspapers, websites, magazines, even advertisements (all things you read). 2 B – Don’t use you dictionary to check the meaning of every new word. Try to guess the meaning from context if you can. 3 A – Read the title and the first paragraph carefully. Reading the first line of each paragraph… These techniques will help you to understand what the text is about. 4 G – You won’t have time in the exam to read all of the text very thoroughly. Read the text quickly to locate which section contains an answer and read that section carefully to find it. 5 F – Remember that the questions usually follow the same order as the text. Answer the questions in order, but if you find…
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Vocabulary p143
Collocations – make and do 1 Make money a list an arrangement a decision progress a choice a speech an appointment a noise a loss a mistake up your mind 2 Relating to study Do a course an experiment an exercise some work research a degree Make a list 4 1 2 3 4 5 6
Do a course an experiment an exercise some work research the washing up a degree housework
Domestic tasks Do the washing up housework
Relating to money Make money a loss
Make a list
made making do making do making
Top tips for recording, remembering and using new vocabulary 1 Set 2 Experiment 3 buy 4 make 5 use 6 revise
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key IELTS speaking p143 1 Part 1
1 Possible answers 1 2 3 4 5 6
Where do you live? What does your father do? What are you studying? Where do you live now? / Who do you live with now? How do you spend your free time? / What are your interests? What are your plans for the future?
2 Part 1 tips • • • •
relaxed and friendly – (this will give a good impression) longer answers – (monosyllabic or very short responses are to be avoided) clearly giving details – (try and give measured, extended answers) it is possible – (students can practice this section quite easily)
2 Part 2
• • • • • •
one topic… should be easy to talk about – (they are familiar topics) Make some notes or think before you start speaking – (1 minute preparation time is given) Organize your reply as it is on the card – (structure is important) should – (it is important to include each point) 1 minute – (this is the minimum, 2 minutes is about the maximum) ask you a simple question – (to round off this section)
3 Part 3
• • • • • •
be related to the topic in the previous section – (the theme is linked) general – (rather than personal) more extended answers – (good answers will have depth) You may need to talk about the past, present and future – (this will depend on the question but all may be possible) give opinions on the topic – (a vital ingredient of this section) Do not ask the examiner for your band score at the and. – (examiners are not allowed to discuss grades with candidates)
Writing 1 p145 Task 2 2
Answers for 1 2
It is important to include the most significant information with reference to specific figures.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Answers for 2 Strengths Clear and logical Answers the question Paragraphs (although this is less important for this type of question) Generally accurate
Weaknesses A bit repetitive Only just long enough (147 words). You could tell students that it is worth writing a little over 150 words (eg 160-170) Some inaccuracies 3
Answers for 1 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii
the Middle East (article missing) similar (spelling) African (wrong form) total (wrong word) illustrates (grammar – missing third person s) in (wrong preposition the (missing article) number of the students (article misuse) come (tense.)
Writing 2 p147 Task 2 2
Answers for 1 A
No, not really – This answer does not discuss other ways to achieve or measure success but merely suggests how to become successful. Therefore, it has not satisfactorily fulfilled the task set out in the question.
Answers for 2 Strengths Organization: paragraphs are used, there is an introduction, conclusion and the essay displays logical progression. Communicative quality: it is fairly easy to follow and understand. Weaknesses Ideas and arguments: rather simple and need to be developed. Sentence structure: there are numerous grammatical errors and a limited range of vocabulary. These are probably the weakest areas. Length: the essay is too short at 193 words.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Sample errors: fail (line 1) – Wrong tense (failed) success (line 2) – Wrong form (successful) got (line 3) – Wrong word (gained / achieved / obtained) I think that’s a big mistake (line 4) – Style: Too informal (Netter to say… However, I disagree with this view.) must to work (line 5) Grammar – (must work) you must… brave (line 7) – Missing word: be you will have sometimes problems (line 7) – Word order (you will sometimes have problems) to be the successful businessman (line 8) – Wrong word / grammar (a) do not give up, (line 10) – Punctuation: Full stop after up then new sentence This… Particular (line 12) – Spelling (particular) Top tips for the IELTS Writing module 1 an academic writing style – (this is more relevant for this type of task) 2 those specific areas – (focus on individual areas of weakness) 3 task – (answering the specific question is important) 4 a little – (5 minutes maximum) 5 appropriate – (quality rather than quantity is important) 6 Leave enough time to check your work carefully – (this is important but two or three minutes should be enough)
Study skills p149 How to revise effectively 2 1D 2A 3B 4E 5F 6C
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Grammar key Unit 1 Forming questions 1 2 3 4 5 6
Have you been to England? Is she living in Hong Kong? Has Peter been to Australia before? What does he write? How did he come to school? Should we eat dinner before we go out?
Unit 2 Subject-verb agreement 1 2 3 4 5 6
travel cycle travel uses is has
Unit 2 Present simple vs. present continuous 1 1 2 3 4
The sun rises ion the East. – Something that is generally true. The sun is rising in the East. – Something that is happening at a specific moment. He lives with his mother. – A regular habitual action He is living with his mother. – A temporary situation. I start work at 9 am. – A regular habitual action. I am starting work at 9 am this week. – A temporary situation. I read a lot of books in English. – A regular habitual action. I am reading a lot of books in English. – A temporary situation.
2 1 2 3 4 5 6
Correct Temperature increases with pressure. He knows Toronto very well. Come on. We’re waiting for you. I agree with you. Correct
Unit 3 Articles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
a The the a the a / an The a / the the the the the a / the the a
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key 16 17 18 19 20 21
a a an The The a / the
Unit 4 -ing form and infinitives 1 2 3 4 5 6
helping learning doing to take studying / to study to lock
Unit 5 Future plans and arrangements 1 2 3 4 5 6
to take to fail will probably increase I’ll do I’ll try Starts (will start also possible)
Unit 6 Defining relative clauses 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 whose who 0 that who
Unit 7 Non-defining relative clauses 1 2 3 4 5 6
Oxford University, which is the oldest university in the English-speaking world, took first place in the ‘Times Good University Guide 2002’. Nurses, who are not well paid in my country, are vital to the health service. Reflexology, which is dismissed as ineffective by some doctors, is increasing in popularity in the west. Sweden, which was ethnically homogenous until the 1930s, has an active bilingualism policy. The Prime Minister, who has been in office for seven years, has resigned. Email, which is widely available in the UK, has made communication much quicker.
Unit 7 The passive 1 2 3 4 5 6
was / has been announced were rescued will probably be used is inspected is currently being developed was directed
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Unit 8 Conditionals 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Real Unreal Real Unreal Real Unreal
Unless the government does something about pollution, our health and our children’s health will suffer. The population will continue to grow unless something is done to prevent it. Unless you have been to the immigration office, you should go this afternoon.
2 3 5
Unit 9 Present perfect vs. past simple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
haven’t been have lived graduated studied (in the past) have studied (I’m still there) took has given (just now) have (in the past) have been (at some point up to now) / went (I won’t go again) has lived (he sill does) / lived (he used to)
Unit 9 Countable and uncountable nouns 1 2 3 4 5 6
I have a pen in my back pocket. There have been a lot of rises in the last few years. All the advice I get just makes me more confused. I don’t have many dollars in cash, but I can write you a cheque. Can you bring my luggage, please? Oh, no! Not more homework!
Unit 10 Expressing the future 1 2 3 4 5 6
I aim to finish my studies in a year. (Eventually) I might (eventually) do a PhD (eventually). (Soon) I will (soon) start my new course (soon)*. I would like to work in my father’s company some day. I hope to improve my English gradually. I could go home next year, but I probably won’t.
* Note possible positions for adverbs of frequency.
Unit 11 Modals of obligation and prohibition, past and present 1 2 3 4 5 6
People had to be treated equally regardless of gender. You didn’t need to hand in. You needn’t have handed in your essay until after the summer. You didn’t have to book your train seat in advance. You had to arrive at least an hour before your flight. Higher taxes shouldn’t have been imposed on those with lower incomes. People ought not to have thrown litter on the street.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Vocabulary key Unit 1 Adjectives ending in -ing / -ed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
exciting frustrated relaxed bored confused fascinating annoyed interesting shocked disappointed
Unit 1 Noun phrases 1 2 3 4
a slight fall a sharp decrease a slow climb a brief fluctuation
Unit 2 Collocation 1
heavy air TRAFFIC
lights fumes jams rage users safety
Unit 3 Synonyms 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
expedition drive flight voyage outing tour
1 2 3 4 5 6
flight crossing an expedition tour journey voyage
Unit 4 Dependent prepositions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
of with with on into for about for
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Unit 5 Suffixes -ful and -less Noun / Verb harm use peace tact skill home care hope success power
-ful harmful useful peaceful tactful skillful careful hopeful successful powerful
-less harmless useless tactless homeless careless hopeless unsuccessful (not using less) powerless
Unit 6 Collocations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
crime prevention turn to crime crime wave organized crime crime rate petty crime, serious crime to solve a crime
Unit 7 Verb + noun collocations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
make do reached go cut take earn puts
Unit 8 Dependent prepositions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
to from for with for by in
Unit 9 Synonyms 1 2 3 4
manufacture invent, create develop design
Unit 9 Spelling 1 2 3 4
demonstrated Communication developments significant
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Unit 10 Homonyms 1 1 2 3 4 5
b – memory d – drive a – web e – file c – document
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
file post save key mouse click screen
Unit 11 Prefixes 1 2 3 4 5 6
over re dis micro under well
Unit 11 Suffixes 9 10 11 12 13 14
Recognise Scrutinise Revise Indicate Assimilate Discriminate
Unit 12 Collocations Three similar words 2 3
sit do
Two opposite words 1 2
pass fail
Two things an examiner does 1 2
set mark
Three different types of exams 1 2 3
oral practical final
Two phrases where exam is used as an adjective 1 2
paper nerves
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Key to photocopiable exercises Unit 2 1 2 3 4
adjective important, large or great problem, cause, change a He was forced to sign the documents b She forced him to sit down. c Correct. d They forced him to confess. e Correct. 5 Urban 6 poverty, areas 7 rural 8 uncountable 9 for, of 10 see, find
Unit 3 1 1 2 3 4 5
highest increased significantly decreased slightly lower more than doubled
2 1 increased significantly 2 decreased 3 highest 4 more than doubled 5 slightly lower Note: alternative answers may be acceptable
Unit 4 1 1 2 3
pick up 5 to write it down take in 6 work out to talk it through 7 making up joining in to step up / get on
Unit 5 2 B: At an interview it is important to give full answers to questions, either by giving more details or by giving examples of your experiences.
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Unit 7 1 The main subject is the women. The passive is often used to keep the focus on them and on what happens to them. women have been brought / they are employed / themselves are often being denied / they are commonly exploited. 2 Again the emphasis is on the women. The exception is the last sentence, where the active sounds better because otherwise the first part of the sentence would be too long and complex (the principle of end-weight). They are usually employed / These women are forced / Most of them are not / *are they given / global trade is not improving the situation of workers in the developing world * Note inversion after nor 3 The first paragraph focuses on the employers and on what happens to them (hence passive). The second paragraph on governments and on what they should (actively) do. be blamed / are pressurized / be expected / do / encourage
Unit 9 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
has demonstrated (recent news) controlled (during the study) have already tested (non specific time) had to (again on the specific occasions mentioned in 2) began (last Spring) has just been completed (recent news, no specific time) was (in this study, which is now completed) reached (on these occasions) have made use of (started in the past and continues to the present) have been (as above)
4 carry out and conduct
Unit 10 a) Reasonably well-structured: Intro, main body (2 paragraphs) and conclusion. The essay has coherence and there is evidence of logical progression with the argument. b) The introduction has been paraphrased. c) Between 250-280 words: an appropriate length. d) The content is relevant and the answer addresses the questions Both sides of the argument are considered: Negative – Pornography / violence, drugs / weapons, personal security. Positive – Better communication, life-saving example in China. e) Examples of useful phrases: …some people believe…, It is an undeniable fact…, To conclude… f) Reasonable range of structures and vocabulary but also a number of examples of errors to correct
IELTS Foundation Student’s Book Answer Key Overall comment: Although grammatical accuracy is not perfect, this would be a satisfactory answer because the essay is well-organized and has a balanced argument back up with clear examples.
Unit 12 1 a b c d e f
Many people consider In my opinion There is no doubt Furthermore For this reason To sum up
2 1 2 3 4 5 6
bored knows remove article ‘the’ homework themselves fairer