Grooveshark Clone Script Download Files

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Grooveshark Clone Script Download Pdf. Penny Auction Clone Script DOWNLOAD HERE The successful Snabid, The Perfect Bid, Yottabid, Swoopo, Penny auction. Free Download Fancy Clone Script. Tweetpic is an exclusive twitpic clone script which enables your user to share media files. Free Clone Scripts Chevereto Free. Full instructions are also given within the code and in a README file to give you a better understanding of the. Clone or download Clone with HTTPS. I have packaged installation files for windows (using py2exe + 7z). I'm not responsible for any violations this script does.

Active1 year, 3 months ago

The Grooveshark music streaming service has been shut down without previous notification. I had many playlists that I would like to recover (playlists I made over several years).

Is there any way I could recover them? A script or something automated would be awesome.

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2 Answers

Update [2018-05-11]

Three years have passed since this answer was posted and it seems this script no longer works. If you are still in need to recover your old Grooveshark playlists, it might not be possible anymore. Good luck and, if you find a way to do it, share it here! I will be happy to accept your answer instead. :-)

Grooveshark clone script download files from google drive

I made a script that will try to find all the playlists made by the user and download them in an output directory as CSV files. It is made in Python.

  • You must just pass your username as parameter to the script (i.e. python 'my_user_name'). Your email address should work as well (the one you used for registering in Grooveshark).
  • The output directory is set by default to ./pysharkbackup_$USERNAME.

Here is the script:

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You can access some information left in your browser by checking the localStorage variable.

  1. Go to
  2. Open dev tools (Right click -> Inspect Element)
  3. Go to Resources -> LocalStorage ->
  4. Look for library variables: recentListens, library and storedQueue
  5. Parse those variables to extract your songs

Might not give your playlists, but can help retrieving some of your collection.


Grooveshark Clone Script Download Files Free

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protected by CommunityMay 13 '15 at 12:26

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A downloader to Grooveshark's awesome music library. Based off of the wiki here. For now, only a python version with optional GUI is available.

###Syntax:CLI: 'query'



  • Python 2.6

Facebook Clone Script Download

For GUI:

###Windows:I have packaged installation files for windows (using py2exe + 7z). Get them from the downloads section.

###Linux:You have to retrieve the dependencies and install them.

###Building EXEs:My build script ( is included in the repository under dist/. Should run under latest Wine (with native imagehlp.dll) or Windows. Please do not change the code and distribute until you contact me.

###Ports:There's a PHP port by Check over at

###Disclaimer:I'm not responsible for any violations this script does to Grooveshark's TOS. It's more of a proof of concept.

Python script by George Stephanos

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