How To Install Gimp Fonts Dungeons

Hi, thanks for you input, yes it worked. I installed from font viewer and shut down gimp and started it up again and it was in the font list. All you need to do is: add the fonts that you want to Ubuntu, and then you can use them in Gimp. Download the font(s) that you like, and once downloaded, you can double click on the font file, and that will open Font Viewer, just click on install, and you're done. Take a look at Dafont for a great selection of fonts. Locate the.gimp-2.6 folder. The folder name will ussually be the version of Gimp that you use. Open the.gimp-2.6 folder and then locate the fonts folder and open it. Copy your truetype font with.ttf extension (new_font.ttf) into the fonts folder. Restart Gimp and the newly installed font will appear. @xenoid: Don't know your platform, but the Windows font tool in Windows 7 and 10 can preview uninstalled fonts too and even install them for you. Just right click the font and select Preview. But note that Gimp will only show installed fonts. Free Fonts search and download. offers a searchable database of 55.000 OpenType, TrueType and PostScript Type 1 fonts from Adobe, Linotype, Monotype, URW and free fonts archives. Click on FONTS. On the right side of the window it will display FONT FOLDERS. Add your C: Windows FONTS folder using the ADD button (icon on the left that looks like a page), and select the folder (open folder icon on the right). Press OK, etc. Until all the windows are closed.

Unzip the fonts first. Fonts cannot be installed if they are zipped. From the 'Start' menu select 'Control Panel.' Then select 'Appearance and Personalization.' Then click on 'Fonts.' Click 'File', and then click 'Install New Font.' If you don’t see the File menu, press 'ALT'. Navigate to the folder that contains the fonts you want to install.

Adding new fonts to Adobe Illustrator is done through the computer's operating system rather than through the Illustrator program. The advantage of this is managing a central repository of installed fonts accessible by all programs on the computer rather than managing individual repositories.


Step 1

Download or transfer the font file of your choice to your computer desktop.

Step 2

Navigate to the control panel by clicking the 'Start' button, then 'Settings,' then 'Control panel.' Alternately, depending on your version of windows, click the 'Start' button, then choose 'Settings.'

Step 3

Open the 'Fonts' folder from within the control panel and select 'File,' then 'Install New Font.' Choose the font file you have saved to your desktop in the file open dialog box that pops up.


Step 1

Download or transfer the font file of your choice to your computer desktop.

Step 2

Navigate to the 'Library/Fonts' folder when logged in as the administrator to make your fonts accessible able to all users on the computer.

Copy or drag the downloaded font files into the open 'Font' folder to install the font.


  • If you do not have administrator rights on your Mac, navigate to the 'Users/Library/Fonts' folder to install a font for a single user.

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  • spike font image by Adrian Hillman from

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Active7 months ago

I have downloaded some fonts and installed them by double-clicking to open them, then clicking 'Install font'. Word and other Windows programs can see them, but GIMP does not list them in the text tool. Why is this?

These are TrueType fonts (packaged in .ttf files). I'm using Gimp 2.8.2

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5 Answers

After checking a few similar posts elsewhere, it is usually fixed by clearing the font cache of GIMP. Although for some people even that does not work, and the case remains unsolved.

To clear the cache, browse to:
- XP and older:
Documents and Settings[username]Local SettingsTempfontconfigcache
- Vista and newer:

And delete the files there.

Juha UntinenJuha Untinen
5291 gold badge5 silver badges15 bronze badges

I am also using Win10, and here's a better solution.

In Gimp 2.8.22:

  1. Go to EDIT --> PREFERENCES --> FOLDERS (expand this) --> FONTS
  2. Click on FONTS
  3. On the right side of the window it will display FONT FOLDERS
  4. Add your C:WindowsFONTS folder using the ADD button (icon on the left that looks like a page), and select the folder (open folder icon on the right)
  5. Press OK, etc. until all the windows are closed
  6. Exit out of GIMP and restart the application (this is what I did)

Now, you need to add all these FONTS to your toolbox.

  1. Click on the Tool options triangle at the upper right
  2. ADD TAB (expand)
  3. Select FONTS

Check out an image of these menus expanded .

Now all your system fonts should be visible and available for use.

13.2k8 gold badges49 silver badges57 bronze badges

On Windows 10 I had to copy TTF file in C:Program FilesGIMP 2sharegimp2.0fonts

Vladimir PekezVladimir Pekez

I'm using GIMP 2.8 on Windows 10, and I tried the currently accepted answer from Juha. While GIMP did rebuild its font cache when I reloaded the program, the fonts I wanted were still not available.

In the end, I had to copy the .ttf files to C:Users[username].gimp-2.8fonts

1682 gold badges4 silver badges19 bronze badges

Nhra drag racing countdown to the championship ps2 download. You need to add all font locations. For instance, if you downloaded a font, and it's in the download section, simply installing it through windows will not be sufficient. You also need to add the folder the .tff file is located in. Hence why some people are just moving fonts to gimp2.0fonts instead.

Gimp For Windows

The Hyper SlothThe Hyper Sloth

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