Invitation To Psychology Wade Tavris 4th Edition

Invitation to Psychology, 5/e is available in a new DSM-5 Updated edition. To learn more, click here. This title is available in a variety of formats – digital and print. Pearson offers its titles on the devices students love through Pearson's MyLab products, CourseSmart, Amazon, and more.


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  1. Invitation to Psychology, 5th Edition. By Carole Wade, Carol Tavris. MyPsychLab is an integral part of the Wade/Tavris/Garry program. Engaging activities.
  2. Invitation to Psychology 6th Edition by Carole Wade; Carol Tavris and Publisher Pearson. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 318,. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 290,.
  3. Invitation to Psychology, 7th Edition weaves scientific thinking and critical thinking into the fabric of psychological science. Joining longtime authors Carole Wade and Carol Tavris, new co-authors Samuel Sommers and Lisa Shin (of Tufts University) call upon their research and teaching expertise to speak to today’s students.

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Emphasizes critical thinking, culture, and gender

Invitation to Psychology, 6/e, shows students why scientific and critical thinking is so important in the decisions they make. In clear, lively, warm prose, this edition continues the title’s integration of gender, culture, and ethnicity. By the end, readers will learn how to interpret research and to address and resolve controversies.

MyPsychLab is an integral part of the Wade/Tavris/Garry program. Engaging activities and assessments provide a teaching and learning system that helps students think like a psychologist. With MyPsychLab, students can develop critical thinking skills through writing, simulate classic experiments and surveys, watch videos on research and applications, and explore the Visual Brain in 3-D.

This title is available in a variety of formats – digital and print. Pearson offers its titles on the devices students love through Pearson's MyLab products, CourseSmart, Amazon, and more.

0133770095 / 9780133770094 Invitation to Psychology Plus NEW MyPsychLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package

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Invitation To Psychology Wade Tavris 4th Edition Pdf

0205206514 / 9780205206513 NEW MyPsychLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card

0205990290 / 9780205990290 Invitation to Psychology

Table of Contents

In this Section:

1. Brief Table of Contents

2. Full Table of Contents

1. Brief Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: What is Psychology?

Part One: Your Self

Chapter 2: Theories of Personality

Chapter 3: Development Over the Life Span

Part Two: Your Body

Chapter 4: Neurons, Hormones, and the Brain

Chapter 5: Body Rhythms and Mental States

Chapter 6: Sensation and Perception

Part Three: Your Mind

Chapter 7: Thinking and Intelligence

Chapter 8: Memory

Part Four: Your Environment

Chapter 9: Learning and Conditioning

Chapter 10: Behavior in Social and Cultural Context

Part Five: Your Mental Health

Chapter 11: Psychological Disorders

Chapter 12: Approaches to Treatment and Therapy

Part Six: Your Life

Chapter 13: Emotion, Stress, and Health

Chapter 14: The Major Motives of Life: Food, Love, Sex, and Work

2. Full Table of Contents

Chapter 1: What is Psychology?

The Science of Psychology

What Psychologists Do

Critical and Scientific Thinking in Psychology

Descriptive Studies: Establishing the Facts

Correlational Studies: Looking for Relationships

The Experiment: Hunting for Causes

Evaluating the Findings

Part One: Your Self

Chapter 2: Theories of Personality

Psychodynamic Theories of Personality

The Modern Study of Personality

The Modern Study of Personality

Environmental Influences on Personality

Cultural Influences on Personality

The Inner Experience

Chapter 3: Development Over the Life Span

From Conception Through the First Year

Language Development

Cognitive Development

Moral Development

Gender Development



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The Wellsprings of Resilience

Part Two: Your Body

Chapter 4: Neurons, Hormones, and the Brain

The Nervous System: A Basic Blueprint

Communication in the Nervous System

Mapping the Brain

A Tour Through the Brain

The Two Hemispheres of the Brain

The Flexible Brain

Chapter 5: Body Rhythms and Mental States

Biological Rhythms: The Tides of Experience

The Rhythms of Sleep

Exploring the Dream World

The Riddle of Hypnosis

Consciousness-Altering Drugs

Chapter 6: Sensation and Perception

Our Sensational Senses



Other Senses

Perceptual Powers: Origins and Influences

Perception without Awareness

Part Three: Your Mind

Chapter 7: Thinking and Intelligence

Thought: Using What We Know

Reasoning Rationally

Barriers to Reasoning Rationally

Measuring Intelligence: The Psychometric Approach

Dissecting Intelligence: The Cognitive Approach

The Origins of Intelligence

Animal Minds

Chapter 8: Memory

Reconstructing the Past

Memory and the Power of Suggestion

In Pursuit of Memory

The Three-Box Model of Memory

The Biology of Memory

How We Remember

Why We Forget

Autobiographical Memories

Part Four: Your Environment

Chapter 9: Learning and Conditioning

Classical Conditioning

Classical Conditioning in Real Life

Operant Conditioning

Principles of Operant Conditioning

Operant Conditioning in Real Life

Learning and the Mind

Chapter 10: Behavior in Social and Cultural Context

Invitation To Psychology Wade Tavris 4th Edition 2017

Roles and Rules

Social Influences on Beliefs and Behavior

Individuals in Groups

Us Versus Them: Group Identity

Prejudice and Group Conflict

Part Five: Your Mental Health

Chapter 11: Psychological Disorders

Diagnosing Mental Disorders

Anxiety Disorders 3

Trauma-Related and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

Depressive and Bipolar Disorders.

Personality Disorders

Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders

Dissociative Identity Disorder


Chapter 12: Approaches to Treatment and Therapy

Biological Treatments

Major Schools of Psychotherapy

Evaluating Psychotherapy

Part Six: Your Life

Chapter 13: Emotion, Stress, and Health

The Nature of Emotion

Emotion and Culture

The Nature of Stress

Stress and Emotion

Coping With Stress

Chapter 14: The Major Motives of Life: Food, Love, Sex, and Work

The Hungry Animal: Motives to Eat

The Social Animal: Motives to Love

The Erotic Animal: Motives for Sex

The Competent Animal: Motives to Achieve

Motives, Values, and the Pursuit of Happiness


$59.99 ISBN-13: 978-0-205-99497-7

Key differences between 6th and 5th editions

  • Period between current and previous publications: 3 years (2014 vs 2011).
  • Wade & Tavris' Invitation to Psychology was first published in 1981.
  • Chapter 1:
    • New 'Psychology in the News': Boston’s weight-loss campaign, Lance Armstrong's doping admission, and the Israeli-Hamas conflict.
    • New section 'Using Psychology to Study Psychology'.
    • Section 'Critical and Scientific Thinking' presents research on the uncritical acceptance of material turned up by Internet searches.

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